HotGlue page of Jerry
Random Things
Kentucky Fried Rip-offs
Visits and Lectures
Today's Art 2014
Florian Cramer's Lecture
Dust Jacket
Typography Posters
Typography Posters
For the typography Posters the idea was to mess around with the different printing techniques and see what comes out. I honestly don't have much to say about these, it was a fun and straightforward assignment and I think the work speaks for itself enough.
I made this by starting with a print of a wikipedia article about American Typewriter and just sort of went from there. Doesn't relate to American Typewriter but I was having fun.
The idea behind this was that the riso wasn't perfect because it couldn't fill the whole page with black. The kerning with the handmade stencils isn't perfect either but because it's human it looks better as a mistake than when a machine does it.
With this one I took the quote "it's just there" from the Helvetica docu and used two different screens to create a helvetica mess. The final text is letterpressed. Because it's fluorescen there is just no way to make this poster look nice on the internet.
Small Experiments
Lines in the South
Q2 Reflection
Video Workshop by José
Westkruis Intervention